ASTM A 358
Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloys Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
This specification covers electric-fusion-welded austeniticchromium-nickel stainless steel pipe suitable for corrosive or high-temperatureservice, or both, or for general applications. The pipes shall be sorted intofive different classes. Class 1 pipes shall be double welded by processesemploying filler metal in all passes and shall be completely radiographed.Pipes of Class 2 shall be double welded by processes employing filler metal inall passes with no radiography. Both Class 3 and Class 4 pipes shall be singlewelded except that the weld pass of the latter exposed to the inside pipesurface may be without the addition of filler metal. Pipes of Class 5 shall bedouble welded by processes employing filler metal and shall be spotradiographed. Weld defects shall be repaired by removal to sound metal andrewelding. Subsequent heat treatment shall be as required on the originalwelds. The finished pipes shall be subjected to transverse tension test,transverse guided-bend weld test, and hydrostatic test.
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